We are two local Wee Waa girls, daughters of farmers and graziers.
Wee Waa is Australia's Cotton Capital and will always be home to us. It is located in the agricultural heartland of Lower Namoi Valley in North West New South Wales. Our families have been friends for four generations and our fathers farmed together for many years. Our brothers and mothers are still on the family farms.
Melinda now lives in Dalby on the Western Downs with her husband and four children, and Sarah in Brisbane with her husband and two children.
We are passionate about farming, rural communities and natural fibres, of which we believe Australia produces some of the best in the world.
The fact Australia has 86,000 family owned farms compared to 157,000 ten years ago worries us, especially as we know this number is on the decline.
Australian farmers are hardworking, resilient, sincere and passionate about the land. They are genuine optimists and we believe, environmentalists in the truest sense.
Love thy Farmer and we hope you love our brand.